Understanding Worker's Compensation in Minnesota: Your Rights and Benefits

What is Worker’s Compensation?

Worker's compensation is a vital protection for employees in Minnesota, providing financial support and medical benefits in the event of work-related injuries. If you've experienced an injury at work, it's important to understand your rights and the available benefits. In this article, we will explore the different types of work-related injuries and discuss patient rights under Minnesota workers' compensation laws. Please be advised to speak to an attorney for the latest and most accurate information.

Types of Work-Related Injuries:

Workplace injuries can vary in nature, and it's crucial to recognize the different types to understand their impact on your eligibility for workers' compensation benefits. Some common work-related injuries include slips and falls, overuse or repetitive motion injuries, machinery accidents, construction accidents, and occupational diseases caused by prolonged exposure to hazardous substances.

Patient Rights under Minnesota Workers' Compensation:

  1. Denial of Benefits: If your workers' compensation benefits are denied, you have the right to file a claim and seek legal assistance to ensure you receive the benefits you are entitled to.

  2. Initial Treatment: Following an injury, you have the right to choose where you want to receive medical treatment. However, certain exceptions may apply if your employer is part of a managed care plan or union construction program that dictates provider selection.

  3. First Report of Injury: You are entitled to receive a copy of the first report of injury, which documents the details of your work-related injury.

  4. Ongoing Treatment: If you haven't initially treated with a physician more than twice, you have the right to change physicians for ongoing treatment.

  5. Investigation of Claim: Your employer and insurer are obligated to investigate your workers' compensation claim thoroughly to determine its validity.

  6. Timely Benefit Payments: Insurers must pay benefits in a timely manner, depending on the type of benefits owed to you. Prompt payment ensures you receive the necessary financial support for medical expenses, lost wages, and other eligible costs.

  7. Protection against Retaliation: It is illegal for your employer to terminate your employment or take retaliatory actions against you for filing a workers' compensation claim. If you experience such retaliation, it may be necessary to consult both a workers' compensation and employment law attorney.

  8. Freedom to Decide Treatment: You have the right to make decisions regarding your medical treatment, including choosing your healthcare providers and treatment options.

  9. Consulting with a Lawyer: Employers and insurers cannot discourage or dissuade you from seeking legal advice. It is your right to consult with a workers' compensation attorney to better understand your options and protect your interests.

  10. Qualified Rehabilitation Consultant (QRC): You have the right to be provided with a QRC or, at the very least, have a consultation regarding vocational rehabilitation services to aid in your recovery and return to work.

Conclusion on Work Comp Rights and Benefits:

Understanding your rights under Minnesota workers' compensation is crucial in ensuring you receive the benefits and protections you deserve. If you have been injured at work, contact our office for a free consultation to see how we can help you get back to your old self (952) 855-1230.


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