Instrument-Based Adjusting in Chiropractic Care: What You Need to Know

Discover the Benefits of Gentle, Precise Adjustments with Instrument-Based Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is a form of alternative medicine that has been traditionally associated with manual adjustments. However, as we step into the 21st century, an increasing number of chiropractors are now using instrument-based adjusting techniques to provide gentle, precise adjustments to their patients.

What is Instrument-Based Adjusting in Chiropractic Care?

Instrument-based adjusting involves using a small handheld device to deliver precise, targeted adjustments to specific areas of the body. These devices use a gentle, controlled force to manipulate the joints and soft tissues, rather than the aggressive manual thrusts associated with traditional chiropractic adjustments.

Benefits of Instrument-Based Adjusting:

  • Precision: These devices can be adjusted to deliver just the right amount of force to the affected area, allowing for more accurate targeting of specific joints or tissues.

  • Gentle: Instrument-based adjustments are typically much more comfortable for the patient, making them a great option for patients who are already in pain or who have conditions that make them sensitive to touch.

  • Consistency: The precision of instrument-based adjusting allows for a more controlled and consistent treatment, which can be especially beneficial for patients with chronic or complex conditions.

When is Instrument-Based Adjusting Appropriate?

While instrument-based adjusting is a great option for many patients, it may not be appropriate for all conditions or patients. Dr. Sharikov will be able to determine whether manual adjustments or instrument-based adjustments are best for your individual needs.

The Verdict

Instrument-based adjusting is an effective and gentle alternative to traditional manual adjustments in chiropractic care. Whether you're dealing with chronic pain or a complex condition, it's worth discussing your options with a qualified chiropractor to determine the best approach for your individual needs.

Contact us with any questions at 952-855-1230 or schedule online.


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