The Vagus Nerve and Seizures: Understanding the Connection and the Role of Chiropractic Care

Discover How the Vagus Nerve Affects Seizures and How Chiropractic Can Help Regulate It

Seizures are a neurological disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. The vagus nerve, a long and complex nerve that connects the brain to various organs throughout the body, plays a crucial role in the regulation of seizures. Chiropractic care has been shown to be an effective way to downregulate the vagus nerve, reducing the risk of seizures and improving overall health and well-being.

The Vagus Nerve and Seizures:

The vagus nerve is a major player in the regulation of seizures, as it has a direct connection to the brainstem, which is responsible for the onset of seizures. When the vagus nerve is not functioning properly, it can lead to an increased risk of seizures and other neurological conditions. Additionally, the vagus nerve is responsible for the regulation of inflammation in the body, which has also been linked to seizures.

Chiropractic and the Vagus Nerve:

Chiropractic care can help downregulate the vagus nerve, improving its function and reducing the risk of seizures. One common technique used by chiropractors to stimulate the vagus nerve is called spinal adjustments. This involves using an instrument to apply force in the spine in specific areas, which can help to remove stress from the nerves, improve motion of the joint, and improve the function of the nervous system. Additionally, chiropractors may use other techniques such as trigger point therapy and rehabilitative stretches and exercises to further improve the function of the vagus nerve and reduce the risk of seizures.


The vagus nerve plays a crucial role in the regulation of seizures, and its proper function is essential for overall health and well-being. Chiropractic care has been shown to be an effective way to downregulate the vagus nerve, reducing the risk of seizures and improving overall health. If you or a loved one is suffering from seizures, consider giving Chirohouse Clinic a call to help improve the function of the vagus nerve and reduce the risk of seizures.

Dr. Thaddeus Sharikov

Dr. Thaddeus Sharikov, DC is a board-certified chiropractic physician specializing in neurological care. He graduated from Northwestern Health Sciences University and has treated over a thousand patients over the past 5 years.

Dr. Sharikov’s personal passion is spinal neurology. It often reveals the root cause of a wide variety of symptoms and pain. Finding and correcting areas where the nervous system is not functioning well is the most rewarding part of the job!

He deeply cares about our Greater Twin Cities Area in which all people achieve their full potential for health and well-being across their lifespan. Dr. Sharikov works extremely hard to be trusted by patients, to be a creator of positive change and to save our community - one person at a time.

In an ever-changing world, Dr. Sharikov is constantly researching tools and applications to bring the most cutting-edge and effective healthcare to his patients. He makes it a priority to include education into the patient’s journey to a pain free life with no limitations.

In his free time, Dr. Sharikov enjoys spending time with his smoking hot wife Julie, toddler Josephine and future Baby L. He loves exploring the Carver County Trails, traveling, and ministry work worldwide through his family’s non-profit organization.

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