Top 3 Chiropractic Benefits for Pregnancy/Prenatal/Postnatal Care

Pregnancy is a piece of cake… said nobody ever. Growing life is a beautiful thing - yet, that doesn’t mean it comes without its share of struggles. As the mother’s body transitions through trimesters, the baby is not the only one who is growing. A mother’s body will go through a multitude of changes as the pelvic region expands and stretches. Unfortunately, this doesn’t only give you the “pregnancy glow” - sometimes it can lead to pain and discomfort.

The biomechanics of the body will change. Weight from the belly can cause additional strain on the pelvis and low back, which cause low back pain, sciatica, and trouble with walking/sitting/standing. The neck and upper back can start to compensate, causing a snowball effect of pain and discomfort. Chiropractic care is a cornerstone for many women going through pregnancy. Here are the top 3 benefits of gentle, effective chiropractic care for pregnancy.

  1. Less aches and pains. With the changes that happen throughout pregnancy, this often leads to spinal joints getting overwhelmed with abnormal weight bearing. This often leads to misalignments and imbalances in the body. Chiropractic care helps to restore balance and reduce pain in the low back, neck, upper back, shoulders, legs and arms.

  2. Improved birthing process. A well-aligned pelvic outlet is critical for a smooth and quick delivery. If the pelvic bones are twisted and out of alignment, this can cause the pelvic outlet to constrict. On top of that, the surrounding muscles and ligaments will be in a tight and spastic state, which will further worsen the problem. Chiropractors focus on keeping your pelvis well aligned for optimal birth delivery.

  3. Helps calm you down. As a neurological chiropractor, Dr. Sharikov evaluates your nervous system and treats your body from a holistic approach. Any areas that are putting stress on your nervous system will tip the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) into the state of “fight or flight” - otherwise known as the sympathetic nervous system. Dr. Sharikov will find and correct these areas to help your body spend more time in the parasympathetic state. The parasympathetic state of the ANS is what helps us relax, digest food properly, and heal. The parasympathetic state is the preferred state for the growing baby to thrive.

At CHIROHOUSE Clinic, we see women in various stages of pregnancy - both prenatal and postnatal recovery. Our patients report a much higher quality of life while under care. They deal with less aches and pain, less stress, improved digestion, less heartburn, better sleep and much more!

If you have any questions about your pregnancy care at CHIROHOUSE, feel free to reach out to us to schedule a free consultation. We hope to see you soon!

Dr. Thaddeus Sharikov

Dr. Thaddeus Sharikov, DC is a board-certified chiropractic physician specializing in neurological care. He graduated from Northwestern Health Sciences University and has treated over a thousand patients over the past 5 years.

Dr. Sharikov’s personal passion is spinal neurology. It often reveals the root cause of a wide variety of symptoms and pain. Finding and correcting areas where the nervous system is not functioning well is the most rewarding part of the job!

He deeply cares about our Greater Twin Cities Area in which all people achieve their full potential for health and well-being across their lifespan. Dr. Sharikov works extremely hard to be trusted by patients, to be a creator of positive change and to save our community - one person at a time.

In an ever-changing world, Dr. Sharikov is constantly researching tools and applications to bring the most cutting-edge and effective healthcare to his patients. He makes it a priority to include education into the patient’s journey to a pain free life with no limitations.

In his free time, Dr. Sharikov enjoys spending time with his smoking hot wife Julie, toddler Josephine and future Baby L. He loves exploring the Carver County Trails, traveling, and ministry work worldwide through his family’s non-profit organization.

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