Suffering from Jaw Pain? Contact Chirohouse Clinic - TMJD Jaw Pain Specialist in Prior Lake/Savage

10 million Americans suffer from Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJD or TMD). That is a staggering number of people who are not able to do things that we often take for granted - chewing, talking, biting. 


Although at times a direct trauma is the cause, most healthcare professionals and TMJD specialists agree that stress is one of the major factors. That is why so many TMJ Specialists include a stress management program with their patients. 

Other causes include:

  • The use of orthodontic braces

  • Poor posture/repetitive injuries that strain the muscles of the neck and face

  • Prolonged stress

  • Poor diet

  • Lack of sleep

Common symptoms for TMJD include:

  • Grinding

  • Pain that can be felt in the face or neck

  • Stiffness in the muscles of the jaw

  • Limited movement of the jaw

  • Locking of the jaw

  • Clicking or popping sound from the jaw

  • A visible shift in the jaw

Types of Causes

There are three categories of TMD diagnoses: muscular, articular, and joint. It's important to be able to identify each as treatment can differ depending on how patients present. Not to sound coarse, but it is almost useless to me if a patient says on their intake form "I have TMJD," because it doesn't tell me anything about pain vs. dysfunction, nor muscular/articular/joint diagnosis. It does tell me they think they have a jaw problem, rather than tooth/headache/trigeminal neuralgia, etc).

TMJD Evaluation

During the initial evaluation, we take a close look at contributing behaviors including tooth-clenching, gum-chewing, awake/asleep grinding, playing with or "popping" the jaw, lip-biting, cheek-biting, etc. We also address neck alignment, posture and/or sleeping positions. We also tend to see depression/anxiety + sleep issues go hand-in-hand with chronic pain.

According to the literature one would actually expect most patients to get better over time regardless of treatment - when that doesn't happen, it's up to a specialist to figure out why someone's not improving. At Chirohouse, we implement a multifaceted, team-based but conservative care, which typically includes working with a chiropractor, while making necessary referrals to a health psychologist or dentist for an occlusal appliance. 

Conservative Treatment Option

It is very common to see jaw problems and neck issues go together. They can certainly make each other worse and it is common to find trigger points from the SCM that radiate up into the area of the TMJ, and from the occipital region to the forehead, temples to forehead, etc. That is why a chiropractor can help resolve TMJD. Chiropractors evaluate and correct spinal misalignments that may cause tension and spasms in the neck muscles, which can affect the TMJ. 

At Chirohouse Clinic, we utilize a very low-force technique. Our instrument-based approach allows us to be extremely specific - down to the very millimeter of where we need to adjust.

If you are suffering from TMJD, we would love to take a look and see if we can help you or not. Feel free to schedule an appointment by calling 952-855-1230 to get evaluated today. 

Dr. Thaddeus Sharikov

Dr. Thaddeus Sharikov, DC is a board-certified chiropractic physician specializing in neurological care. He graduated from Northwestern Health Sciences University and has treated over a thousand patients over the past 5 years.

Dr. Sharikov’s personal passion is spinal neurology. It often reveals the root cause of a wide variety of symptoms and pain. Finding and correcting areas where the nervous system is not functioning well is the most rewarding part of the job!

He deeply cares about our Greater Twin Cities Area in which all people achieve their full potential for health and well-being across their lifespan. Dr. Sharikov works extremely hard to be trusted by patients, to be a creator of positive change and to save our community - one person at a time.

In an ever-changing world, Dr. Sharikov is constantly researching tools and applications to bring the most cutting-edge and effective healthcare to his patients. He makes it a priority to include education into the patient’s journey to a pain free life with no limitations.

In his free time, Dr. Sharikov enjoys spending time with his smoking hot wife Julie, toddler Josephine and future Baby L. He loves exploring the Carver County Trails, traveling, and ministry work worldwide through his family’s non-profit organization.

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