TRT Technique and Chiropractic: A Natural, Gentle Approach to Wellness

TRT (Torque Release Technique) is a gentle, non-invasive chiropractic technique that uses a specialized instrument to provide precise adjustments to the spine. This technique is designed to correct subluxations and improve overall spinal function, resulting in improved nervous system function and overall wellness. In this article, we'll take a closer look at TRT technique and its benefits for chiropractic patients.

What is TRT Technique?

TRT technique is a gentle chiropractic technique that utilizes an instrument called an Integrator to provide specific, precise adjustments to the spine. The Integrator is designed to deliver a quick and controlled adjustment that is gentle and painless. This allow us to avoid unnecessary jerking or cracking. This technique is particularly effective for patients who may be uncomfortable with the more traditional manual adjustments.

TRT technique is based on the principle that subluxations (misalignments of the spine) can interfere with the body's natural ability to heal itself. By correcting subluxations, TRT technique can help to restore proper nervous system function, allowing the body to function at its optimal level.

Benefits of TRT Technique

TRT technique offers a number of benefits for chiropractic patients. Because it is a gentle and non-invasive technique, it is particularly well-suited for patients who may be uncomfortable with more traditional manual adjustments. Additionally, because TRT technique is designed to correct subluxations and improve overall spinal function, it can have a positive impact on overall wellness, including improved immune system function, better sleep quality, and reduced pain and discomfort.

TRT Technique and Chiropractic Care

TRT technique is just one of the many chiropractic techniques that we use at Chirohouse Clinic to help our patients achieve optimal health and wellness. Our experienced chiropractor is trained in a variety of techniques, including TRT technique, to provide safe, effective care for a wide range of conditions such as neck pain, shoulder pain, low back pain, sciatica, headache/migraines, numbness, tingling and burning pain. We work with each patient to develop a personalized treatment plan that is tailored to their individual needs and goals.


If you're looking for a natural, gentle approach to chiropractic care, TRT technique may be a great option for you. This gentle technique can help to correct subluxations and improve overall spinal function, resulting in improved nervous system function and overall wellness.

At Chirohouse Clinic, we are committed to providing our patients with personalized, effective care using a variety of techniques, including TRT technique.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment and take the first step towards optimal health and wellness.

Dr. Thaddeus Sharikov

Dr. Thaddeus Sharikov, DC is a board-certified chiropractic physician specializing in neurological care. He graduated from Northwestern Health Sciences University and has treated over a thousand patients over the past 5 years.

Dr. Sharikov’s personal passion is spinal neurology. It often reveals the root cause of a wide variety of symptoms and pain. Finding and correcting areas where the nervous system is not functioning well is the most rewarding part of the job!

He deeply cares about our Greater Twin Cities Area in which all people achieve their full potential for health and well-being across their lifespan. Dr. Sharikov works extremely hard to be trusted by patients, to be a creator of positive change and to save our community - one person at a time.

In an ever-changing world, Dr. Sharikov is constantly researching tools and applications to bring the most cutting-edge and effective healthcare to his patients. He makes it a priority to include education into the patient’s journey to a pain free life with no limitations.

In his free time, Dr. Sharikov enjoys spending time with his smoking hot wife Julie, toddler Josephine and future Baby L. He loves exploring the Carver County Trails, traveling, and ministry work worldwide through his family’s non-profit organization.

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